Frequently Asked Questions


Why do we need to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere?

To combat climate change and stabilise global temperatures, reduce emissions and actively remove gases from the atmosphere. UAP's technology is crucial. Technologies help achieve this by capturing not just CO2 but a more comprehensive array of harmful gases, supporting global efforts to maintain or even reduce global warming below 1.5°C.

Can I visit your facilities to see the technology in action?

Currently, we do not offer public tours of our facilities. However, you can learn more about our technologies and their impact through detailed videos and webinars on our website.

How can I support UAP's mission?

We appreciate your interest! You can help us by spreading awareness, engaging with us on social media, and endorsing sustainable technologies in your community. You can also sign up for updates on our progress and new initiatives through our website.

Our Atmosphere Processing Plant (APP) Technology

How much greenhouse gas can your plants capture?

Our plants are designed to capture significant amounts of various greenhouse gases, not just CO2, to demonstrate the efficacy of our technologies.

Will your technology be implemented near cities?

Our technology can be deployed in various locations, including urban areas, as greenhouse gases are well-mixed in the atmosphere, allowing for flexible placement of our facilities.

How does your technology compare to natural solutions like forests?

While forests are essential for carbon capture, UAP’s technology complements these natural solutions by capturing greenhouse gases significantly faster and with minimal land use. This technological approach is crucial in densely populated or industrial areas with scarce land.

Uses of UAP’s Technology

What are the applications of your captured gases? UAP’s technology converts captured greenhouse gases into valuable products such as synthetic fuels and building materials, contributing to a circular economy and reducing dependency on fossil fuel resources.

How does your technology contribute to carbon sequestration?

Our technology includes options for sequestering captured gases, safely storing them in geological formations, or utilising them in various industrial applications, ensuring a long-term reduction in atmospheric greenhouse gases.

Is geological storage of CO2 safe?

Yes, geological storage, or carbon sequestration, is safe and well-regulated. It involves injecting captured CO2 underground into rock formations where it is securely trapped and cannot escape into the atmosphere.

How does enhanced oil recovery (EOR) fit into your operations?

While UAP focuses primarily on reducing atmospheric gases and converting them into valuable products, any involvement in EOR would be conducted with a net-zero emissions goal, ensuring that more CO2 is stored than emitted, aligning with our mission to combat climate change.

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